Seawind Ocean Technology have joined efforts with Snam S.p.A., Trans Austria Gasleitung GmbH, Gas Connect Austria, bayernets GmbH to support their application to the European Commission for the SoutH2Corridor project, under the call for Projects of Common Interest (PCI). We actively and tangibly provided our support by sharing and detailing our project HyMed (HydrogenMediterraneo) with COD 2030. We are planning carefully the development and permitting of this 3 GW electricity and hydrogen project with local partners and Italian and European stakeholders. The HyMed at its full operation will be injecting into the H2 backbone 500,000 tonnes of pure green hydrogen per year. We proudly support as partners Snam S.p.A. and its TIER 1 partners on the SoutH2Corridor, which will be serving markets in central Europe and beyond. We also believe that Snam S.p.A. and all the partners of the SoutH2Corridor have the clout to materialize and execute such a transformative project.
Read about the initiative:
See the list of supporting partners: